The advantages of Ka-Blam are that there are no piddly PDF formatting problems, there are optional print tariffs depending on advertising and their product looks pretty good. I decided I'd like a nice easy-to-leaf-through sort of "Best Of" thing, featuring art of mine that I can bear to look at. Primarily stuff previously seen on my website, I'm just pulling together my favourite artwork, including a few comic pages, and hope to print off a handful of copies for myself and mates, no big commercial enterprise. Moving has thrown a spanner into the works of some further ideas I had for the moment, but we shall see what the future holds.
However, I have not been TOTALLY absent from the sketch pad as I was shanghai'ed into producing another piece of art for the local coubcil today. Anybody who has been unfortuante enough to listen to me list the stuff I hate to draw knows cars and buildings are at the top of the list of things I hate to draw (people being my fave thing to draw). I had to draw a three bedroom house, a removal van and a bungalow. Seriously--JOY. Drawing at A4 with office supplies instead of proper drawing equipment, it's miracle any of it came out looking---not quite terrible. The van actually came out ok considering I couldn't use reference but due to the limits of the page size, things got truncated (they'll eventually be blown up for placards!) and because of the wheels, the truck looks like a Dinky toy or something!
This isn't the first time I've provided art for the council---below are two covers I did for the homeless prevention unit. I have to say I actually quite like the relationship breakdown pic---given free reign, I think I came up with a simple illo that clearly portrays--or at least hints at--the subject matter. I quite like the clean line style I used too, especially on the bloke.
Less impressive was the support piece...I created the background cast to be fairly diverse (gay gay, geography teacher-type guy, hippie hick, black lady and Hindu man) but I didn't want to make the main black guy be too stereotypical ie no baggy sports gear, dreads or facial characteristics that could be construed as being offensive. The only comment I got when handing it in was "Can you black this guy up a bit?" I just darkened the hair a bit cos I felt he was as clearly black as I wanted to go without veering into caricature. I quite like the girl figure though, again happy with the clean line approach...
Quite weirdly, I find myself in the unusual position of having to draw a self-portrait! As someone who avoids mirrors like a vampire, maybe I should take their cue and draw myself in the dark...
Another vote for Ka-Blam.
I'm torn!
But how cheap are they? I noticed ads in the early Criminals for them, but with shipping costs and print runs, are they really worth it?
"I'm torn!"
Like Natalie Imbruglia.
Have a look for yourself Dave:
So for a 32 page B&W with colour cover, that works out at 82p a copy (plus PayPal). As for shipping, I quote the Ka-Blam bloke:
"We can ship a flat rate envelope (reinforced) to the UK that can hold approximately 20-25 comics depending on page count of course for about $11 US. And there's a priority mail flat rate box that can hold 60-75 comics that can be sent anywhere in the world for $37 US."
I preferred Metcalfe Printing, but this is the only half decent alternative I've found so far.
Current conversion rates (at least up to a few weeks ago) were around 50-60p to the dollar, so good time to order if material and finances are in place...
Metcalfe printing was cool, but it's gone, unfortunately.
Dave - spending your tax pounds on back street printing
Hot news...There may be a reemmergance of metcalfe printing ink in a week or so for a very limited period (about a fortnight). If anyone has regular sized printing let me know in advance and i'll see what i can manage and dates.
But keep it on the qt
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