Monday, 29 November 2010

Bell Aremberg UPDATED!!!

After the previous acceptable likeness of Kristin Bell, seems like I managed to pull off another one (this reminds me of what they say about buses...)

I scanned this in grayscale so the skin tones are a bit dirty as I didn't remember to adjust the levels but it's a fairly decent pic (if you forgive that). Not one of me best, but a decent attempt, I think...

UPDATE That dirty looking skin colour bugged me so I rescanned the original, tweaked the levels and coloured it again. I've taken the original version down and put the new one up, adding a comparison below...


Tone said...

Dirty skin! Bad boy! In your bed!

Nice work. Was gonna offer to colour burn it for you, but probably a bit late there...

Nige Lowrey said...

Colour burn would be nice but until I install a later Photoshop, hopefully tonight, I can't save with layers so it's just a flat tiff at the minute...