Saturday, 29 December 2012

Walken On Eggshells

So I came down with a bastard of a bug over Christmas which pretty much wiped me out for two weeks. I'm mostly ok now apart from a lingering hacking cough but it was all enough to throw my plans of drawing during that Festive period out the window.

Today, I pottered about and think I'll be safe to get back on track next weekend. The results below are nothing special but at least it means I can work again...

Inspired by the line experiments done for the draped dress pic in the last post, I pencilled Christopher Walken ages ago but inked it today. Not impressed with the results and couldn't even be bothered to do the hair as a result...

A TAB thread recently revolved around childhood heroes and that gave me the idea to do cartoony versions of my childhood heroes from TV but I soon gave up on that idea and went for headshots instead. I decided against adding the Tomorrow People (which I loved but can't remember at all now) and Buck Rogers (as it was really Wilma I liked, not Buck, even at that young age!)

Finally, I drew a pic of Cheryl Cole yonks ago just as a quick pic as I intended to experiment colouring in a proper "comic" style (you can just about see the lingering touches in the dress). Other stuff overtook me and this fell to the wayside, I just finished the hair and did some colour hold effects today. Crap likeness and not what I'd intended but not terrible overall...

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