Thursday, 10 July 2008

Strike! Strike!

Well, next Wednesday and Thursday sees local council Unison members across the country going on strike for a higher pay rise that is closer in line with the rate of inflation. As a member of Unison myself---that means two days off work!! Yay!! Yayy!!

I'll need it to catch up with some drawing...I just finished a page today using a clean line style for a sequence featuring Mary Jane ad Liz Allen (above) from Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane. I don't mind the art but the page itself is pretty boring so I'll probably continue without using this first page or just start a new set. I want to have at least four sets of samples to take to the Brumcon: the Spidey pages, a clean line sequence, a hi-octane action sequence and a DC sequence, plus a colour illo and some inked pages of the Jock and maybe a Silver short. That's a lot to get in and I don't know if I'll get it all done...I can get it done if I don't pressure myself...but I also know how picky I am with my art...

...mind you, I was reading the first story in the Ennis/Erskine Dan Dare collection last night, and while it generally looks great, there was some WEIRD stuff going on with some leg proportions in there, so sometimes you have to let things go but when you're submitting some art to be looked at, you need the art to be as free of clag as it can be...


Rol said...

You mean you're not marching on the picket line, comrade?! Down the revolution!

I think you're right that samples should should your work in the best possible light... but that deadline pressures often force pro's to come out with all sorts of substandard tosh (both artists AND writers).

I guess that's one reason you shouldn't look at Artist X's latest comic and say, "but I could do better than THAT!" just as I shouldn't read something by Robert Kikrkman... ahem, I mean, Writer X... and say the same.

Not that it stops us.

Nige Lowrey said...

There actually will be a picket line. People begging for help walking pat other people begging for more help doesn't sound like my idea of fun. Even if they were flying, I wouldn't turn out for the pickets as I intend to spend the time productively drawing...though I'll no doubt get hacked off with the first panel and give up and watch the Wright Stuff instead (and yes, I know that show's terrible but at least it's not about flogging tat, buying houses or screaming at chavs!)

dave said...

I was a member of NALGO wich became UNISON, and we struck. I was there on the picket line at Skipton Town Hall doing my stint. I hated the people who didn't because my arguement was if you're in the Union you agree to it's practices and that includes striking. I was 17 and the lowest paid member of staff at the time, so I was losing out big style wage wise, but I struck because I agreed with the reason behind it. Pus you get to do accapella cover versions of popular electro tunes.

I LIKE that panel of MJLS. It's not battered down with unneccesary gumph. Think if you ink it it'll not look boring, just honest