Saturday 11 July 2009

Donna Kebab

After a few weeks of not really drawing much (mainly due to work being such a leech on my time and energy but a few other inconvenient interruptions too), finally got back to a bit of drawing today and thought I'd go in and finish off that Wonder Girl pic I finished recently.

Bit of an odd history to this one: first roughed out when I was trying to practise drawing characters at a larger (ie A3ish) size than usual, I never really had an idea of who the character would be. (Original version previously posted here: For a while I figured I might use Power Girl but the proportions seemed off to me so I abandoned it. Still, there were elements I liked so I photocopied the pencils at A4 in order to better determine the errors and hey, presto, things became clear and I drew in the correct proportions.

During this recent fallow period, I dusted off the original, tweaked it and decided to turn it into the Donna Troy Wonder Girl: I always loved Perez's depiction of her and can never get her quite "on model" with his version but I still kinda like this one. Using pens to draw the lasso was a mistake though, so I pencilled a new lasso and used Photoshop to tinker with it and drop it to replace the original and ta-da, Wonder Girl is finished!


Rol said...

That's a really nice pic, but there's something about her face which - as you hint with your 'on model' comment - just doesn't fit right with my memory of Donna. Your facial likenesses are usually spot on, but this does seem a little like a lookalikey in the costume.

Unknown said...

It's a Greg Land face! ;)

Nige Lowrey said...

It looks nothing LIKE Greg Land :)....

I'm fairly happy with the art but am still searching for that "on model" depiction. Although Nick cardy designed the classic Donna Troy look, it was Perez who truly defined her and only Jiminez and Garcia Lopez have managed to capture the specific look (although I like Adam Hughes' version too)...

Unknown said...

Yeah, it's a squillion times better than Landy. I just meant the way Land only ever draws the same (porn) model for all his female faces.

The face reminds me more of Wonder Woman. Maybe you were watching that Lynda Carter DVD at the time...

Nige Lowrey said...

Ah, my Greg Land gag fell flat.. I meant the pic looked nothing like Land himself not something he'd draw...I'll get me coat...