Tuesday 4 August 2009


Not much to say except here's the finished version of the Arisia pic...coulda spent more time on the colours but lack of time 'n' all that...also cropped the right hand side to place the figure better on the image.

Right, I'm off to watch Grizzly Man...


Rol said...

Nice work. I never fancied Arisia. Until now.

Nige Lowrey said...

Cheers...I think :)

Face isn't quite right but it's OK. I hated Arisia when I first saw her in the Englehart/Staton Green lantern Corps, the first time I liked her was in the Hughes Guy vs Kilowog issue of JLI. Mainly, she's striking because of that golden skin and white top...there's a more revealing version of the outfit but thought I'd keep it with as much white as possible rater than going for the slutty look which doesn't seem right for Arisia...