While Cyclops remains my favourite comic character, the Blue Beetle and Booster Gold partnership still rates as my favourite comic reading experiences so I'm chomping at the bit for the animated style Blue Beetle to match the Booster Gold I already have, as well as the JSA 3-pack: I'm not that bothered by Hawkman but an Alan Scott would be cool and I love the GA Flash too (nostalgic stuff having to do with seeing him in comic ads in the 70s before I could actually read myself).
Also, while I know I won't pick it up due to sheer expense, it'd still be cool to pick up the impending 12 (yes, 12!) pack Legion of Superheroes set. Featuring the classic Giffen era team, this features a decent Superboy at last and cool versions of Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy. Can't wait to see the Wildfire!
I'm still getting some plastic for my shelves though, as will be discussed in my next post...
The only posts I've commented on for ages and you delete them already? Charming ;-)
Yeah, but it feels weird having pix online of stuff in your gaff, feels a bit invasive somehow...
...but I'll still post the upcoming subject when I get around to it!
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