Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Doing A Changing Rooms

Well, viewed the flat offered to me today and really liked it. Kitchen's a bit pokey but the bedroom and living room are really spacious and there's tons of storage (seriously, one cupboard could be a bedroom for some sweatshop kid in the backwoods of Taiwan or somewhere), which is just as well as I have a ton of crap to house.

The flat is part of a complex still featuring aged tenants so the lettings are currently "sensitive lettings", ie hopefully no gits (but you can never tell, and there are still the general population around). I could have collected the keys today had I my ID and rent with me so instead tomorrow I will collect the keys ready for the slow process of moving in. I have just been accepted for an Argos card so can do the buy now, pay later thing, which is always a pain but easier than finding a grand all at once (especially with another NY sojourn in the offing).

Within the next few weeks, I shall hopefully be settled in and will pass on my new address to those who still use snailmail--think I might get my monthly ACE parcels delivered at my current residence as I'm not too sure about the new area yet. We shall see, but here's hoping...

The weirdest thing is, I'm writing my own tenancy agreement and setting my own rent!


Rol said...

Excellent - 50p a week!

Nige Lowrey said...

Y'know, I really DID consider putting my rent at a fiver---the council would have to give me four weeks notice of the rent change up to normal, so I'd have paid £20 for month's rent, bargain! I decided I needed my job though so chose not to go down that route...

It's now 9.30 and another day lost with no drawing done (I only needed to do one panel and I'd have finished another page!) as I had to go on a supply run for the new place. Thank god for cheap 'n' cheerful ASDA---saw some cool stuff I'd have liked but finances kept me at just a jot above bargain basement, coming out with most of the stuff I need (other than a sofa and the three big kitchen appliances)in one stuffed trolley for just over £60. My pocket was hurting but really can't grumble for what I got...

dave said...

Dude, good luck with the move. I'd get a sofa from one of those remark uk places, they're half decent, they're cleaned and it's a charity so you feel a bit of goodness for being benevolent.

Failing that, when you're at Tone's this weekend, nick all his stuff. He won't mind, and you can hide a couch on the tram...