Saturday 8 November 2008

Rainbow Blue

Well, here's the first in a new strand of posts following the A-Z vibe, characters with colours in their names! I intend to start toning up on my anatomy drawing a bit so decided to create a theme to make these practice drawings more interesting. First up is the Blue Falcon, who I have kept fairly rendering free as he's an animated character so the slicker look seems appropriate.

Eventually, he'll be joined by other colourful characters, though I think I'll give Cerise, Magenta and Agent Orange a miss. I know who I'm doing for red, beyond that I'm open to suggestions.

As well as the Blue Falcon pic, I drew the logo for Pjang #2 this morning and finished up assembling the cover and started two headshots of Kristen Bell in preparation for a drawing of Elle from Heroes. I abandoned the first pic fairly early as it was going all kinds of wrong but the second one is quite nice as a drawing but crap as a likeness. Hopefully third time will be the charm for this one. That may be some time off as I need to finish off the Magneto article and basically tidy up my PC a bit as it's starting to get a big clogged...


Anonymous said...

How about: Black Panther, Black Knight, Black Cat, Blackbolt, Black Adam,Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Green Goblin, Grey Gargoyle, Purple Man or White Tiger.

Nige Lowrey said...

At least four of those were ones I already was already considering...I've just done Red, dunno which colour to do next...

Rol said...


Green Arrow over Lantern, please.

Black Cat would be very cool.

Scarlet Centurion? Crimson Dynamo? Ruby from the Headmen? Shrinking Violet? Amethyst? (Actually, you might have done her already.) White Rabbit (fot Tone)? Bronze Tiger? Pink Pearl? Cobalt Man? Copperhead? Emerald Empress? Goldbug? Golden Girl? Goldstar? Olive Oyl? Rose? Star Sapphire? Silver Sable? The Ultra Marines? The Khaki Crusader?

Rol said...

Oh, and let's not forget the Rainbow Raider.