Thursday, 22 May 2008


Well, been weird lately as a few things, such as TV, replacement doors and problematic windows have dug into my time, but I'm slowly getting back to drawing. Above is the initial stage of an experiment in a more clean line style using a brushpen. I still don't have enough control over this tool and don't really like the results, although Suzy looks better after the blacks have been filled in. I discovered some new pens in WHSmiths this week so will give them a try as I like the clean line style but really need heavier lines if I'm to try it with pens.

I've drawn the panel borders and started pencilling the first of the last batch of pages for The Jock #2 but will really get started this weekend hopefully, pencilling up a few pages ready for inking. After these are done, I'll be doing very slight art touch ups to #2, although there is one major panel I'll completely redraw...

I was never entirely happy with the establishing shot of the park featured in the story, as it was drawn from imagination. As a result, it's identifiable but generic and bland. This week has seen me on three one day courses (today featured a corporate video with the bizarre scene of Trevor Phillips playing a vicar marrying Dawn French to the Janitor from Scrubs!) only 20 minutes walk away from my regular workplace on a park called the Rye. At one end is a stretch of water called the Dyke, surrounded by lovely woodland and a small waterfall. I took the opportunity to take along a pad and walked along the Dyke, not just relaxing in the natural surrounding (surprisingly soothing), but to sketch some trees and shrubs. The results are really indistinct but hopefully enough to use as inspiration/reference to redraw that one panel and maybe jazz up a few others.

As with anything, that little extra bit should hopefully result in a much better result...


Tone said...

Blinkin' perfectionist. Get on with #3 instead ;)

Your clean line doesn't look much different to your normal stuff really, though it's hard to pull off well I know. I'd stick with the lighter pens as they suit you better. The top left head's inked really nicely, there's a touch of Rudey about the face.

Nige Lowrey said...

Well, looking back at #2, there's only really two panels that I feel are screaming out for a retouch: that one park panel needs complete redrawing and there's another panel where all I need to do is adjust the figure of Jagher's position. A coupla photocopies, some tippex and prit stick should do the job...

I discovered a new pen at WHS and it's perfect for the intermediate stage between pen and brush for me, although how long the ink lasts or the nib wears, we'll have to see...

Cheers for the Rude comments as I was trying to keep his style in mind, without actually referring to it to specifically ape his style. Still a route I wanna go down though...

Tone said...

Hey anytime you need Rude comments, you know where to come.

Rol said...

Nice work!