Monday 16 February 2009

Rol's Request: It's So EC...

Well, I bunged the whole EC strip ("homage" sounds so poncey but it was done as a deliberate tribute to their style without actively being 100% reliant on actually aping the look) on Facebook for Rol to read but the resolution is too low to make it legible. Here then are the concluding four pages for Rol---the script is deliberately trying to capture the 50s feel so it's deliberately hokey but hopefully the pay off works...

Pencilled very little of Lonely Boy yesterday (got invited out) but inked two thirds of a page tonight so work continues apace!


Unknown said...

Facebook's photo resizing is complete bobbins, that's why I had to cut the Eva Nova pages in two. Plus you can't actually put them into any order...

Nice "YEARRGHH!!!", although I probably would've use more exclamation points.

Rol said...

Excellent, especially the final page.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Nige Lowrey said...

Glad you thought the story was Ok. I had an idea a few years back for a longer comic strip inspired by the thought of how the church/religion would cope if it survived the destruction of Earth and the apocalypse was not as depicted in Revelations.

Needless to say, I'veforgot all the details but the spark of the idea was enough to spin out a short sci fi strip...